Jenkins vs Codefresh

November 23, 2021

Jenkins vs Codefresh: Which one is better?

DevOps is all about continuous integration and delivery. And what better way to automate this process than by using a CI/CD tool? In this post, we will compare two popular CI/CD tools: Jenkins and Codefresh.

What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is a widely used open-source automation server that helps automate parts of the software development process. It allows you to build, test, and deploy software applications. Jenkins offers over 1,400 plugins that allow you to connect to other tools in your stack, including AWS, Docker, and GitHub.

What is Codefresh?

Codefresh is a Container-Native CI/CD platform that offers a complete dev pipeline in a single interface. It allows you to build and deploy Docker images, deploy to Kubernetes clusters, and integrate with other tools like JIRA, Slack, and Datadog.


Jenkins Codefresh
Pricing Free and open-source Pricing starts at $50/month
User Interface Basic UI Modern and intuitive UI
Integrations Over 1,400 plugins Integrations with popular tools out-of-the-box
Automated Testing Yes Yes
Deployment Automation Yes Yes
Community Support Huge Community Support Community Support

Jenkins Pros and Cons


  • Free and open-source
  • Huge community support
  • Over 1,400 plugins


  • Basic UI
  • Steep learning curve

Codefresh Pros and Cons


  • Modern and intuitive UI
  • Integrations with popular tools out-of-the-box
  • Built-in Docker registry


  • May be more expensive than Jenkins
  • Limited community support


Both Jenkins and Codefresh are reliable CI/CD tools that can automate a lot of the software development process. However, the choice between Jenkins and Codefresh ultimately comes down to the scale and complexity of the projects you're working on, as well as your budget.

If you're working on complex projects with multiple integrations, and you're open to a paid solution, Codefresh might be the better choice. On the other hand, if you're just getting started, have a small team, and want a free and open-source solution, Jenkins is a great place to start.


  1. Jenkins. (n.d.). Retrieved October 28, 2021, from
  2. Codefresh. (n.d.). Retrieved October 28, 2021, from

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